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Wagon Train
Wagon traintook its inspiration from John's Ford 1950 film
Wagonmaster. Each week Wagon Train told the stories of pioneering families moving west from the east to start a
new life soon after the Civil War. Some of these stories had heart warming and happy endings while some did not.
This approach made this weekly western series a hit. Due to the popularity of the show and a new storyline each
week it was not too difficult for the scriptwriters to have larger than average talent appear on the show. The
budget was larger than the normal one hour show that was being produced for TV. Its popularity continued even
though there were several cast changes.
The Wagon Masters
Wagon Trainwas shown first on NBC from September 1957 to
September 1962 at 7:30-830. It then moved to NBC and expanded to 90 minutes but for the final season of
1964-1965 it returned to the one hour format. It was shown at the 7:30-8:30 Wednesday night. During the
expanded season it was shown Monday night from 8:30-10:00. Its final season aired on Sunday night at 7:30 to