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hings You Just Don't Hear Anymore

This page is dedicated to all baby boomers and pre-baby boomers.  These expressions were used quite often while many of us were growing up in the 50s and 60s.  Perhaps you heard your grandparents or parents use them or maybe you at one time have used these expressions of a more simpler time.  If you can think oanymore to add to this page email me at Your email address is safe with me. I do not share.

  1. I got dibs on it. [Linda Furia]  
  2. Women drivers, no survivors. [Linda Furia]  
  3. May I speak to the man of the house please? [Linda Furia]  
  4. "Do as I say, not as I do" [Steven Kaiser, Woodstock, IL]  
  5. The jig is up. [Jerry Colson, Muskegon, MI]  
  6. I need a dime for the pay toilet! [Cindy, Pittsburgh, PA]   
  7. The tape on my reel to reel tape player is broken. [Jack Stevens, Reno, Nevada]    
  8. This channel has a ghost. [Jack Stevens, Reno, Nevada]    
  9. Turn the antenna to fix the reception [Jack Stevens, Reno, Nevada]    
  10. Fix your nylons – your seam is crooked. [Renee  Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  11. I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  12. Kindergarten baby, stick your head in gravy [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  13. Step on a crack, break your mother’s back [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  14. All those ‘mother’ jokes  [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  15. Gotcha! [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  16. "What time is it kids? It's Howdy Doody Time?" [Renee Douglen, Jerusalem, Israel]    
  17. "Move, are you made of glass? I can't see through you". [Carolyn Evans, Mayfield, Kentucky]    
  18. "You're just like your father." [Ed Rosinski, Dyer, Indiana]    
  19. "When you get my age, you will understand." [Ed Rosinski, Dyer, Indiana]  
  20. My mom taught me anticipation with this phrase. "Just wait until we get home." [Ed Rosinski, Dyer Indiana]    
  21. My Mom also taught me about receiving. "You're going to get it when you get home." [Ed Rosinksi, Dyer Indiana]  
  22. "We got a new typewriter at work, they are so cool, no more
    keys, it has a new thing called the 'selectric ball." [Nancy Ferraris Loera of La Mirnada CA] 
  23. "Meet me at Big Boy Friday night." [Nancy Ferraris Loera of La Mirnada CA]     
  24.  Remember when the movies was $1.00...that included 2 movies,
    a cartoon, the news AND a coke and popcorn?
     [Nancy Ferraris Loera of La Mirnada CA]   
  25.  "My Dad bought us an 8-track player!" [Nancy Ferraris Loera of La Mirnada CA]   
  26. My car wont start because of vapor lock [Ken Meder of Middleburg Heights, OH]    
  27. Galoshes - [Ken Meder of Middleburg Heights, OH]    
  28. "You bet your bippy!" [Debbie Moser of Hamilton, TX)     
  29. "You've come a long way Baby!" [Debbie Moser of Hamilton, TX)     
  30. Honey take the trash out to the pit. And don't forget the matches, it's getting pretty full. [Chas Brown of Richmond, IN]    
  31. While you are at the drugstore pick me up a refill cartridge and a new tip for my fountain pen. [Chas Brown of Richmond, IN]    
  32. I am going to order a new set of Encyclopedia Britannica for the kids , the old set will soon be out dated. [Ron Hicks of Glen Carbon, IL]    
  33. "Sock it to me." [Ed Rosinkski of Dyer, IN)    
  34. "Smoke Kents with the micro-nite filter." [Ed Rosinkski of Dyer, IN)    
  35. Are ya havin a bad day bunky? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  36. Take it off, take it off, take it all off [razor commericial]. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  37. Tturn left at the Sinclair station. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  38. The S&H greenstamps catalog is here. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  39. Let's all go to A&W! [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  40. Llet's get a push-up pop. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  41. Pull the stopper in the bathtub and let that dirty water out. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  42. Get the ice pick, the freezer is all frosted over. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  43. Parents, do you know where your children are? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  44. It's Mr. Bubble, it leaves no bathtub ring. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  45. Royal Crown, the king of sodas. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  46. Drop some peanuts in your coke. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  47. Gee Whiz; Gosh; Golly. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  48. He is nutty as a fruitcake. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  49. It's Beanie and Cecil time! [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  50. Bring your six shooters and stick horse, we're gonna play cowboys and Indians. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  51. How about a game of jacks?[Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  52. Shall we play hopscotch? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  53. Red rover, red rover, let.....come over. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  54. How bout a game of keep away? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  55. We got our polio oral vacine at school today. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  56. Chew each bite 36 times or you'll get a belly ache. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  57. God and the neighbors are watching, so behave. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  58. Nestle's quik, its chocolatier. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  59. Get that tobboggin on your head or you'll freeze your ears off. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  60. Idiot mittens [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  61. Babushka [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  62. Want to play badmitten? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  63. Want to play croquet? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  64. Lets get some Buster Brown shoes for this school year. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  65. Wear  your Sunday shoes or clothes or best? [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  66. Finders keepers, losers weepers. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  67. You're gettin a lickin when you get home. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  68. Stay in the car till I come out. [Judy Busse near Atlanta, GA)  
  69. I need a new garter belt; this elastic is pretty stretched out. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  70. Slide over and sit next to me while I drive (front bench seat sedans). [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  71. Women can't do this kind of work. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  72. "Wunnerful, wunnerful…" (Lawrence Welk praising a well-performed act exiting the stage on The Lawrence Welk Show. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  73. I had the tire retreaded (recapped), just to get by for now. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  74. Be sure to get to the bank before it closes at three. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  75. Put some toothpowder in your palm, wet your brush, and lightly dip the bristles into the powder. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  76. They bought a new console that has a stero, a turntable AND a color TV. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  77. Betty's husband surprised her with a GORGEOUS fur coat. I think I'm going to die, I'm so jealous. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  78. Dress code mandates that girls' hems be in the middle of their kneecaps. Girls are not permitted to wear pants or jeans. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  79. "Good night and God Bless" (Red Skelton's closing salutation on The Red Skelton Show) [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  80. "Number, please?" [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  81. She started work as a gal-Friday. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  82. I'm a good secretary: I can type 50 words a minute using up to three carbon sheets, with no mistakes. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  83. My Sunday shoes are at the shoe repair getting re-soled. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  84. The typewriter ribbon has red AND black inks now. Hold the shift key and use your free hand to type red words on the paper.[Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  85. Ah, man, the typewriter letters jammed again. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  86. Let's bronze the baby's first walking shoes. [Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  87. When you swing the high chair tray up and over the baby's head, watch you don't hit her head.[Joanne Johnson of CA]    
  88. Mom works part time at the university as an IBM key punch operator.[Joanne Johnson of CA]     
  89. "Dishpan hands." [Ken Meder, Middle Heights, OH]    
  90. Static on the AM radio stations when the traffic light was changing. [Ken Meder, Middle Heights, OH]    
  91. "Don't forget to save some water to prime the pump for the next person to use." [Ron Hicks, Glen Carbon, IL]    
  92. Gulf Gas Commercial: "Give me 50 cents of Good Gulf." [Jimmy Moon, Mocksville, NC]    
  93. If you think I am going to pick up after you, you have another think coming." [Gary Rogers, Thailand]  
  94. “I’ve run out of film for my camera” [Gary Rogers, Thailand]     
  95. “I can't go over 30mph for the first 500 miles as I am running the car in [Gary Rogers, Thailand]     
  96. Just for that, you can't watch TV for a week. You go straight to bed after dinner” [Gary Rogers, Thailand]     
  97. "We have a flat, get the bumper jack out of the trunk."  [Ed Rosinki, Dyer, Indiana]  
  98. "This progam is brought to you in living color and black and white." [Ben Gilbert, Detroit]  
  99. Music Comingfrom a transistor radio .[Jay Thompson, Long Island, NY]    
  100. SLAP - the sound of the screendoor [Jay Thompson, Long Island, NY]  
  101. "It's raining out...wear your galoshes". [Charlie Gentile NY]  
  102. "You're such a re-tard." [Genie Parish, California]  
  103. "If we all chip in a quarter, we'll have enough gas to buzz ALL the drive-ins!"  [Genie Parish, California]  
  104. "Red Rover, Red Rover we dare you come over" [Shelly House, Harford KY]  
  105. "One potato, two potato, three potato, four" [Shelly House, Harford KY]  
  106. "And that's the way it is" (sign off of Walter Cronkite) [Shelly House, Harford KY]  
  107. "I ran this off on the ditto machine" (copy machine or mimeograph) [SFC Morton Griggs]  
  108. "Here's a note for the grocery man to get buy (mom) me a package of cigarettes" [Valerie of California]  
  109. "Jinx, you owe me a coke." [Carolyn Evans, Mayfield, KY]  
  110. "Polish your shoes." [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  111. "Spit out that gum." [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  112. "You're acting like a bunch of wild Indians." [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  113. "Change into your play clothes." [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  114. "Where's my skate key?" [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  115. "Don't make me turn around while I'm driving." [Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  116. "Wait till your father gets home."[Joe Seamone, Germantown, MD]  
  117. "You spilled the salt ...throw some over your shoulder for luck." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  118. "See a penny, pick it up, all day you will have good luck...See a penny let it lay, all back luck will come you way." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  119. "Let's say grace." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  120. "Can we go to the five and dime store?" [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  121. "Cross your heart and hope to die." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  122. "Mom is ironing" [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  123. "I will give you back the hanky after I wash it." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  124. "Let's take our Sunday drive." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  125. "Where's my apron." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  126. "Here's a bobbie pin to keep your hair out of your eyes."[Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  127. "It needs a new inner tube." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  128. "My watch stopped, I forgot to rewind it today." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  129. "You didn't lick the stamp good enough." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  130. "We can't get 'em this time of year." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  131. "Tincture of Iodine." (Now it is just Iodine) [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  132. "Metal mouth" (braces) [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  133. "Keep saying rabbitt until you pass the graveyard." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  134. "Flip the record/cassette over." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  135. "You have a dirty carburetor." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  136. "How do you sleep with those cap curlers." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  137. "Beatnik" [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  138. "Remove the wax from the homemade jelly." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  139. "Brush your hair 100 strokes." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  140. "That's my smallpox vaccination scar." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  141. "It's for your wedding chest." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  142. "The mumps make you look like a chipmunk." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  143. "I called the doctor, he is on his way." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  144. "We'll drive or take the train, plane tickets are for the rich."[Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  145. "Get white polish and make those sneakers look like new." [Joanne Wallace of Perkasie, PA, now Joanne Johnson of CA]  
  146. "You'll need the exact change for the bus" (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  147. "Wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets filled the fastest." (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  148. "I need a 15 cents for the pop machine."  (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  149. "Children are to be seen but not heard." (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  150. "We can get 3 plays for a quarter in the Juke box and a 15 cent egg cream and share it."  (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  151. "Can I have 10 cents for a ride in the whip truck?" (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  152. "We can get a double ice pop  and each have half." (Carol Savatore/Babylon, NY)  
  153. "I need to take these TV tubes down to the drugstores and test them to see which one is bad." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  154. "Hey Dad,why do the windshield wipers slow down when the car speeds up?"  
  155. "We need to get the brakes adjusted." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  156. "Don't scrape the whitewalls on the curb." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  157. "Don't eat the paste." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA 
  158. "Mimeograpgh paper sure smells good." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  159. "Just leave some pennies in the mailbox. The mailman will put a stamp on for you." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  160. "I sent that quarter and Ovaltine lid to Captain Midnight two months ago and he still hasn't sent me my badge." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  161. "You need the weed whip the back yard." (Randy Kurrack/Murrieta,CA)  
  162. "See Dick Run." Run Dick Run." (Sharon Dible) Remember the elementary readers about Dick, Jane and Sally?  
  163. “Tag Your It!”  (Wanda Sears)  
  164. “Mother May I?" (Wanda Sears)  
  165. "Get me popcorn and a coke when you go to the concession stand." (at the drive-in movie). (Jenny Prennace)  
  166. 'Here's a nickle, dime to go buy some candy at the store." (and coming out with a bag of candy!) (Jenny Prennace)  
  167. At soda fountains, "I'll have a nickle coke (Jenny Prennace)  
  168. The sound of baseball cards in bicycle spokes. (Art Prennance)   
  169. You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent. (Art Prennance)  
  170. Brush up brush up brush up's the new Ipana. With the brand new flavor. It's dandy for your teeth.(Art Prennance)  
  171. Remember, Serutan spelled backwards is natures (Art Prennance)    
  172. Plop Plop Fizz Fizz oh what a relief it is (Art Prennance)  
  173. See The USA in your Chevrolet (Art Prennance)  
  174. 5 and dime stores (Art Prennance)  
  175. Western Auto Stores (Art Prennance)  
  176. I just put a new role of film in the camera – and it’s COLOR! (Budd Hetrick)  
  177. Take these roles of film to the drugstore and get them developed. (Budd Hetrick)  
  178. We just got a new COLOR TV! (Budd Hetrick)  
  179. Put that phone down and quit listening to the neighbor’s talk! (Budd Hetrick)  
  180. It’s May Day. Go hang these flowers on the neighbor’s door. (Budd Hetrick)  
  181. Wow! His new record player is stereo! (Budd Hetrick)  
  182. Can you believe it? Cigarettes are 35 cents a pack in that machine! Guess I have to quit. (Budd Hetrick)  
  183. Mom, can I go to the movie on Saturday?  I’ll have 25 cents for the ticket by then.(Budd Hetrick)      
  184. I need to go on the roof and turn the antennae so we get better reception. (Don Barnard, Alpena, MI )  
  185. Will you get up and change the channel for me? (Don Barnard, Alpena, MI )  
  186. Give me flatop haircut (Bill Taebel)  
  187. I'm rubber and you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on you! (Cathy O, Cleveland, Ohio)  
  188. Stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about! (Cathy O, Cleveland, Ohio)  
  189. I'm done eating, may I be excused from the table? (Cathy O, Cleveland, Ohio)  
  190. Do you think money grows on trees. (Joyce Shultie, Woodside, Delaware)  
  191. I got to see a man about buying a dog. (Joyce Shultie, Woodside, Delaware)  
  192. Be sure to put on clean underwear, you don't want to have an accident and have and have on dirty underwear. (Joyce Shultie, Woodside, Delaware)  
  193. You have to look nice so be sure to put on your Sunday best. (Anna from Texas)  
  194. Come in when the street lights come on. (Diane F. Red Bank, NJ)  
  195. Can I carry your books for you? (Rebecca Reed, Birmingham, AL)  
  196. Don't let me get my belt? (Rebecca Reed, Birmingham, AL)  
  197. Just wait until you grow up, get married and have children of your own I hope they act just like you!  (Susan Schmitt, Rock Hall, Maryland)  
  198. Were you born in a barn?  (Susan Schmitt, Rock Hall, Maryland)  
  199. I double dog dare you, I triple dog dare you. (Susan Schmitt, Rock Hall, Maryland)  
  200. I used to have to walk to school in the snow, barefoot, uphill (Susie from California)  
  201. We will now be signing off. (Susie from California)  
  202. Liar, liar, pants on fire.  Hangin' on a telephone wire. (Susie from California)  
  203. Let's all put our thinking caps on. (Susie from California)  
  204. Go hang the clothes on the line. (Susie from California)  
  205. The sound of dialing a rotary telephone (Susie from California)  
  206.  Kids, get under your desks and cover the back of your head with your hands. (Susie from California)  
  207. It's the smallest transistor radio you've ever seen! (Susie from California)  
  208. Stand still.  I just have to change the flash bulb on the camera. (Susie from California)  
  209. Go outside and play - (Sue Nowell)  
  210. Jinx or Jinks - something said when 2 people say the same thing at the same time... the first to say "Jinks"- leaves the other one to owe them a coke or donut. (Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio)  
  211. Pinkie Swear - 2 people locking pinkies (last finger) to swear silence of a shared secret (Gloria Damrod of Sebring, Ohio)  
  212. Filler up and check the oil? Save your green stamps? (William DeFonso, North Carolina)  Special Note: You got all of this plus maps were free.  
  213. Don't forget to hang the speaker back up on the rack before you leave the Drive-In  (William DeFonso, North Carolina)   
  214. Has anyone seen my sliderule? (William DeFonso, North Carolina)  
  215. If you turn the TV antenna you can get a better reception. (William DeFonso, North Carolina)  
  216. Fill 'er up with Ethyl (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  217. She's flooded--wait a minute or so and try again. (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  218. Pull the choke out about a quarter of the way and mash the gas pedal.(submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  219. Got a church key? (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  220. I suppose if Billy stuck his head in a fire, you'd do the same (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  221. Children are to be seen and not heard (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  222. Get out your Think and Do Workbooks (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  223. "Now we can have fun in this class but . . ." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  224. "You will stay after school and clean the blackboard." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  225. "Go stand in the corner and face the wall." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  226. "Today we will practice our penmanship." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  227. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . . ." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  228. "Stop, Look both ways before crossing the street." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  229. "I see London, I see France.  I see someone's underpants!" (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  230. "Tattletale tit.  Your tongue will be split and all the doggies in the town will have a little bit." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  231. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  232. "___ is a part of nature.  Nature is beautiful.  Thank you for the compliment." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  233. "I know you are but what am I?" (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  234. "Nice little boys and girls don't do that." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  235. "Turn on the television and let it warm up." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  236. "A tube must have burned out." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  237. "Uh oh.  We blew a fuse." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  238. "You wash and I'll dry and put away." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  239. "Stay out of that mud puddle!" (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  240. "Operator, I want to make a long distance call." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  241. "Shall I check under the hood for you, sir?" (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  242. "You'll go to bed without your supper." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  243. Leave a note for the milkman (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  244. "The captain has turned off the No Smoking light . . ." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  245. "Kindly extinguish all smoking materials at this time" (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  246. Be sure to dust the bedsprings (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  247. Turn on the attic fan (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  248. Time to defrost the freezer (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  249. Now that we're living in the jet age . . . (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  250. Hit the carriage return (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  251. Put the clothes through the mangle (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  252. Look it up in the dictionary (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  253. Look it up in the encyclopedia (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  254. "Now I lay me down to sleep . . . " (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  255. "Jesus loves me, this I know.  For the Bible tells me so . . ." (submitted by Marshall Massengale of Sugar Hill, Georgia)  
  256. Don’t keep making faces like that, if the wind changes, your face will stay that way (submitted by Garry Rogers of Thailand)  
  257. If I’ve Told You Once I’ve Told You A Thousand Times........ (submitted by Garry Rogers of Thailand)  
  258. Just you wait until your Father gets home (submitted by Garry Rogers of Thailand)  
  259. Clean your plate, there are kids in China that are starving. (submitted by Mercado)  
  260. Be sure you have clean underwear on in case you have an accident and have to go to the hospital (submitted by Garry Rogers of Thailand)  
  261. Don't run in the house with scissors in your hand you could fall and poke your eyes out (submitted by Garry Rogers of Thailand)  
  262. Check and see if the mailman has gone, I want to get this letter out today. 
  263. Don't slam the screen door when you go out. 
  264. Fill the icetrays we have company coming over tonight. 
  265. Be sure to close the windows when you leave it looks like rain today. 
  266. They want rain today. 
  267. Don't forget to wind the alarm clock before you go to bed. 
  268. Wash your feet before going to bed. You have been playing outside all day barefoot. 
  269. Remember before you ride your bike be sure to roll your pant legs up. You are tearing up your britches by getting them caught in the chain of your bicycle. 
  270. You have torn your pants so much I can't get a patch on them. 
  271. Be sure to change your school clothes before your go out to play. 
  272. Go comb your hair; it looks like a rat has nested in it. 
  273. Pour the cream off the top of the milk when you open a new bottle. 
  274. Take the empty bottle back to the store so we don't have to pay the deposit on another one. 
  275. Cover the cake with a dish towel so the flies won't land on it. 
  276. Don't be jumping on the floor, I have a cake in the oven and I don't want it to fall. 
  277. Let me know when the Fuller Brush Man comes, I need to buy a few things from him. 
  278. If the car doesn't start I will need you to push so I can start it. 
  279. Here's a dollar go get my some gas for the car. 
  280. It is getting hot in here, open the back door so we can get a breeze. 
  281. You can walk to the store; exercise will do you some good. 
  282. Don't sit too close to the TV it is hard on your eyes. 
  283. If you don't behave, I will wear you out. 
  284. Hold on to the button I will sew it on later. 
  285. Don't turn the radio on the battery is low. 
  286. No I don't have a quarter for you to go to the movies. Do you think money grows on trees? 
  287. I don't want to hear that kind of language again. If I do I will wash your mouth out with soap. 
  288. It's time to cleanse your system out so go get the castor oil. 
  289. If you get a spanking at school, you will get another when you get home. 
  290. Don't cross your eyes they will get stuck. 
  291. When you take your driver's test, don't forget to signal your turns. Left arm straight out for a left turn, left arm up for a right turn and left arm straight down for a stop. 
  292. Don't you ever forget when talking to adult it is "Yes Ma'am", "No Ma'am" and "Yes Sir" , "No Sir." 

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Carl Hoffman

Carl - Vietnam 1968

Carl Hoffman - Vietnam 1968

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